Essences and dying

During the past six weeks six of my friends or acquaintances have died.
Some of them were comparatively young, of my son’s generation, but in most of these cases I had been personally involved in their care, making remedies for them as seemed necessary. In the most recent case I had made up an essence – Crowea, from the Australian Bush flowers – to help him to stop worrying, And within 12 hours of his receiving it I heard that he had died.
Range of Light
After this I felt that I needed a remedy for me. I dowsed for what I needed, as I usually do (see my Dowsing blog) and came up with four essences from the Range of Light made by Flower Essence Services of California (FES).
The first essence was Hawthorn. Hawthorn is for ‘overly strong will that depletes heart balance’, says FES. More particularly it is for someone who is ‘easily agitated or stressed when personal will forces are not satisfied.’ The next essence I selected for my new remedy was Mountain Forget-Me-Not which was for ‘soul angst and alienation, feelings of isolation due to lack of connection and guidance from the spiritual world; confusion about life purpose and direction.’
A pattern seems to be emerging here: I am feeling uncomfortable because something I want to happen – so much that I can’t even hear the promptings of my heart or my spirit guides – is not happening. My third essence is Ocotillo, and it appears to add an extra emphasis to my imbalance: Ocotillo is for ‘excessive psychic “fire” leading to emotional reactivity, psychic projection and distortion, or various forms of anger and violence.’ This is strong stuff: clearly I’m feeling what I’m feeling with considerable force. And finally Pedicularis goes into the mix, and this essence helps with ‘excessive emotionality which inhibits deeper understanding of one’s soul pain.’
Soul Pain
So what is this ‘soul pain’ that has been so troubling me? I think the answer is that I was running with the idea that I should be using the essences to ‘save’ people from death, and that if I made a remedy for someone it would so dissolve their problems that they could go on indefinitely. I know that I didn’t really believe that I could cheat death, but nonetheless I had a tendency to get angry if someone died that I had been treating – they should have responded more positively or, worse perhaps, I blamed myself for not coming up with the right remedies at the right time to ensure that they lived on!
I think the penny has dropped at last. When we are working with the essences we are working towards our better self-understanding, to finding out what is the very best for us, and then doing it to the very best of our ability and with the greatest enjoyment. Death will have his day, but until then we owe it to ourselves to get the greatest possible satisfaction from this life.